
Add value to your data


Get a global view of your customers or suppliers for improved analysis

exano relies on regularly updated databases to provide you with an overview of your customers' and suppliers' structures, both nationally and internationally. This consolidated perspective helps you to better understand cash flows or business relationships within groups.

Tagging / Classification

Structure your data according to your taxonomies for optimized management

exano exploits your specific taxonomies to classify and label your data, whether hierarchical or cumulative. This feature provides logical and consistent organization, making it easy to manage and analyze your data.

Taxonomy building

Create customized data structures with artificial intelligence

If you haven't yet structured some of your data, exano can create a suitable taxonomy based on existing content and its extensive knowledge. The result is a coherent structure tailored to your specific needs.

Don't wait any longer

Raise your data quality standards

Adopt Exano

Control the quality of your data now.

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